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Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled tasks (also known as cron jobs) are tasks that are run on a specific interval.

The triggering mechanism can either be provided by the runtime (like via an azure timer request) or by using the @pikku/scheduler package.

The main steps remain the same:

  1. Create a APIFunction that you wish to trigger. Since this is triggered by time, it doesn't get given any actual data nor does it expect anything in return.
  2. Register the function via addScheduledTask
  3. Run the tasks when needed

Creating and registering the function

import { APIFunctionSessionless } from '@pikku-workspace-starter/functions/.pikku/pikku-types.js'
import { addScheduledTask } from '@pikku/core/scheduler'

export const myScheduledTask: APIFunctionSessionless<void, void> = async (
services, _, session
) => {
// do something

name: 'myScheduledTask',
schedule: '*/1 * * * *',
func: myScheduledTask,

The reason we use APIFunctionSessionless instead of a special ScheduledTask type is simply to minimize types, as well as also allowing our scheduled task to also be called via a HTTP endpoint if we want to trigger it manually.

Adding it via the @pikku/scheduler

You can then run the scheduled tasks by specifying them in the runner.

import { getConfig } from '../src/config.js'
import { createSingletonServices } from '../src/services.js'
import { PikkuTaskScheduler} from '@pikku/schedule'
import { ScheduledTaskNames } from '../.pikku/pikku-schedules.js'

async function main(): Promise<void> {
try {
const config = await getConfig()
const singletonServices = await createSingletonServices(config)
const scheduler = new PikkuTaskScheduler<ScheduledTaskNames>(singletonServices)
} catch (e: any) {
